Tri-State Veterinary Hospital Blogs

We love educating our clients, that’s why we have curated and shared posts filled with helpful information regarding pet care.

Veterinary Blog

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Tri-State Veterinary Hospital team.

5 Practical Tips to Help Your Pet Cope With Anxiety

5 Practical Tips to Help Your Pet Cope With Anxiety

5 Practical Tips to Help Your Pet Cope With Anxiety We want to give our furry friends the greatest treatment because they play a significant role in our lives as pet owners. Unfortunately, some animals experience anxiety, which can be difficult for the animal and the...

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Shedding Light on World Cancer Day for Our Furry Friends

Shedding Light on World Cancer Day for Our Furry Friends

Shedding Light on World Cancer Day for Our Furry Friends On World Cancer Day, we turn our attention to a pressing issue affecting pets worldwide—cancer. Just like in humans, cancer can strike our furry friends, making awareness, early detection, and timely treatment...

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Thanksgiving Safety Tips Every Pet Owner Should Know

Thanksgiving Safety Tips Every Pet Owner Should Know

Thanksgiving Safety Tips Every Pet Owner Should Know Holiday cheer is in the air, and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, we look forward to spending precious time with loved ones. Since our furry friends are essential to our lives, it is our first concern to...

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VCPR, What Is It and Why Should I Care?

Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) FAQ The following FAQs provide simplified explanations and answers about the VCPR as it relates to the veterinary care of pets. These FAQs do not address the VCPR in animal shelters or large animal contexts. For a...

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Rely on Experts, Not Dr. Google, for Your Pet’s Health

Forget Dr. Google! Don't delay pet care while you surf for answers. We receive many phone calls from the pet owner stating they need an appointment because their pet is diabetic. When asked if their pet has been diagnosed with diabetes, they usually respond with "No...

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How to Get Rid of Fleas on My Cat

How to Get Rid of Fleas on My Cat

Help! My cat has fleas! Fleas are best found on a cat by looking along the cat’s belly, around the lower back and the tail base, as well as around the head. You may actually see the flea scurrying around or you may only see flea dirt. Flea dirt is flea poop, which is...

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